Monday, January 14, 2008

Snow Report

After the night session last night there would have only been only another 10 or so cm fall between 9pm and 8am. Only 10cm? is it really worth getting out of bed for?? hahhhahaha hell yer!!!

The groomers had been out in the early hours and converted the piste into work of art! It was like slipping into your favorite pair of old jeans that your girlfriend, wife or mum or always hounding you to throw out, but you hold onto them!

Off-piste was still very wind blown after the last few days, however, the snow always gets caught somewhere! If you know the gullies around the resort you would have had no trouble finding balls deep POW to play in and the Niseko Webzine crew had no trouble finding it! We attempted to get pics for you guys to check out, but due to the amount of snow you can not see a thing! Sorry!

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